Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Burpees... I love them... And I hate them. My workout on Monday was simple. 300 burpees. Took me a bit to do them around my clients, but it was quite awesome.
The burpee is the single best fat burning exercise ever. When I get done, my calves hurt, my feet hurt, my ribs ache, etc etc etc. It hits almost EVERY single muscle in your body.

I often prescribe them for my clients as their homework, which generally angers them :)

Anyway, a simple way to increase your calorie burning and what not is to add burpees to whatever you're planning on doing workout-wise.

I've been doing them for a while, so when I want to really add some work, I'll simply churn out 100 of them.

But here's what you can do if you're new to these. Simply do 1 today. Then, 2 tomorrow, 3 the day after, etc, until your last day where you do 100!!! Sounds like it's ridiculous, but trust me, they get easier... Well, not easier, but manageable.

Here's how to do a PROPER burpee.

So, give it a shot... let me know how much you hate me afterwards :)

Obesity and American Eating Habits

Today, I'm including an article from on obesity.
Obesity in America!

Along with this article, I'm including my own viewpoint. I got an opportunity to wrestle over in Portugal back in 2007. Some things that I noticed.
1) It's almost impossible to find meat for breakfast over there. Lot of pastries. For someone that eats 6 times a day and has a high protein diet, this was an issue for me, but I was able to find something eventually.
2) Portion sizes are WAY smaller over there. A large coke at McDonald's is still 20 oz (Remember the 1980's in America?). You just can't find the huge pigout meals that are commonplace in America. A Large fry was equivalent to a Medium fry here.
3) Condiments are a rarity as well. No dunking your fries in 10 lbs of catsup.
3) People didn't seem to be as sedentary and many people were out walking, biking, etc. Part of this is due to the price of cars over there as a Renault Cleo (Essentially the size of a Mazda 3) was somewhere around $38K. No big vehicles either.
4) All this said, supplements were massively expensive. A jug of protein that would be maybe 30 bucks here was around 75 over there.

So, I didn't see more than just a few overweight people across the pond. At the same time, you don't see the few really ripped and muscular women and men that you can see in the states. There was more of an average size. In fact, I was one of the larger people in Portugal in regards to muscle size.

The main thing to take from this article is portion control, portion control, portion control. Eating small meals and taking your time with them will keep you from overeating. I know everyone is busy, but instead of scarfing a Big Mac, maybe look at just a 6 inch subway sandwich on wheat and hold that mayo!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Excuses, excuses, excuses

Excuses... You know the saying. Everyone has one...
My goal is to explain away these excuses... Get you to look past them and realize they're not this huge obstacle.
First excuse (my favorite...): I don't have time. Yes, you work 8 hours a day. Yes, your kid has baseball games. But it's not like you need to put away 3 hours a night, 7 days a week to workout. You need 1 hour, 3 to 5 times a week. If you have time to go drinking on a Friday night or write a blog, or go to dinner during the week, you can workout. Same saying goes for food preparation. You can spend 20 minutes on a Sunday night to get your food together for the week.
Second excuse: I don't have the money. This is also a favorite as I ALWAYS here this one, then watch said person post on Facebook about going to McDonald's, partying, or smoking. Come on. Priorities, people!
Third: I'll come train after I get in shape. Ok, ya know what? These are all my favorites. This one though, is mind blowing. I had a person TWO years ago, tell me she wanted to train with me, but wanted to wait till she was in shape. I'm still waiting. Look, why would you wait to get into shape? If you could get into shape on your own, you wouldn't need a trainer, right? It's an excuse for "I don't want my legs to be sore that first couple weeks". Get over it, and get in there with your trainer!

The main point, is that if you REALLY want something (like a new body, the ability to wear a bikini, not being able to break a chair when you sit in it, the ability to get into those new jeans, break your best mile time, run a half marathon, etc) you will work at it and go for it. If you don't, you'll find a way to concoct an excuse and a year later, you'll be wondering why you look exactly the same.

PEACE peeps!

Oh, btw... here are some Mom's that have the same excuses you do, but still get in shape... Lora Coalson, Kim Dolan and Michelle Kyman. And if I had her pic, my son's mother is also in tremendous shape, works full time and goes to school full time... NO EXCUSES!!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Yup. Those pictures are me. Amazing change in just over 12 weeks of work. So, I wanted to share my experience with you and also dispel some myths and excuses.

First of all, let's discuss what I did differently. I spoke with a fellow trainer, Alexia Besbekos about my diet so she could kind of tighten up the way I was eating. Generally, I did eat healthy before. However, there was no consistency and I was pulling in WAY too much sugar.

The attack plan was fairly simple. I was shooting for 185 g of protein a day, less than 50 g of sugar, 1 gallon of water and around 1800 calories a day. I was also shortening up my portions, especially when it came to pasta and meat. I was the type of guy that often would go for seconds at each meal. I immediately stopped that and stuck to the serving size on each package.

So what was next? Shopping. I drive a lot, so I needed to make sure I had food I could readily heat up and eat.
Here's what my shopping list consisted of and pretty much stayed the same each week.
- Grilled and Ready Chicken Chunks and Chicken Breasts
- Steamfresh veggies and pasta
- Eggs
- Pure Protein Whey Protein
- Natural Peanut Butter
- Sugar Free Preserves
- Whole Honey Wheat Bread
- Whole Wheat Pasta
- Fresh Fruit and Spinach

That's pretty much it. Every morning before leaving, I would take a steamfresh pack out of the freezer and heat it up for about 5 min. It might be chipotle rice, thai rice and veggies, stirfry, potatoes, etc. Almost all these packs are 2 servings each. I took the bags and divided them up in between a couple Tupperware dishes. Then dropped in some chicken chunks. Usually, just about a handful is the correct amount. Seal those up, and pack them for the day. Also, dropped in my bag some fruit and depending on the length of my driving that day, a baggie of protein powder and a shaker cup with water in it.

The next key was timing of my meals. I eat EVERY three hours without fail. I get up at 4:45 some days, eat at 5, 8, 11, 2, 5, and 8. That's six meals. The chicken and the veggies usually end up being around 250- 300 calories. Sometimes more, sometimes less. The fruit are around 80-100 calories each. Keeping track of what I'm consuming was also key. Myfitnesspal is a great app for this.

I set a goal of a gallon of water a day. I usually recommend that each person drink half their bodyweight in fluid ounces. So, if you weight 184 lbs, you're shooting for 92 oz of water. I didn't always hit my gallon, but I was usually close, which shot me in the 110 oz of water mark. Which is perfect. Hydration is important and water will actually help you burn calories.

Workouts. This, I didn't really change from what I had been doing. If anything, I felt like I worked out less. I had a friend once remark that it "Must be nice to have a job where you can work out 8 hours a day." True, I could do that. But I don't. 9 times out of 10, I workout for less than an hour. For today example... 27 and a half minutes. It was doing swings and burpees, but still under half an hour.

A lot of the excuses I hear and have heard from current and former clients are the following
"I don't have time to eat right or workout right"
- I travel as much as the next person if not more. Preparation is key. It takes me less than five minutes to prepare all my meals for the day and get them loaded up in my bag. It's not that hard kids. As for workouts, an hour a day max is all that's needed. You can find that time, even if you have a little one at home. You can bring yours with you to workout or keep them at home and workout there. I've done it.

"Eating right is expensive." 
- Not really. I spent less on my good food than I ever would buying bad things like Doritios or headed in to a fast food joint. Generally, I was spending about 30 bucks a week, if that.

"I'm not giving up my pizza and bad food or beer"
- I still gave myself a couple cheat meals a week. On days that I cheated, I made sure that I ate those meals at one of my designated times. This had two effects. One, it made sure I kept all the rest of my meals to keep my metabolism going. Two, because I was eating at my scheduled times, I was never starving and thus wasn't taking in 3 cheeseburgers. If that's still not good enough for you, I offer you this. If you want an amazing body, you may not get to eat amazing food. It's all about what you want.

I didn't find this as hard as I thought it would be. It's all about preparation and just a change of mindset and any of you can do it.

My starting weight was 218 lbs with a chest of 46 in and a waist of 41. I finished at 192 lbs with a chest at 41 and my waist at 36. Overall, I lost 26 lbs and 15 inches. The pictures speak for themselves. I didn't do anything crazy, I just decided to make a change.

Now the question. Are you willing to make a change?