So my next challenge for this year has been training for the Naperville Triathlon. I'm about halfway through the second week of training. It's AWESOME! I never thought I would be one to enjoy swimming, but I've been looking forward to my swim/run workouts. Tough stuff but I'm getting better. After the first day where I panicked and couldn't figure out how to breathe, I've come MILES forward. (Literally almost).
Strangely enough, cycling has been the one where I feel like I'm going to be weakest. I'm ordering aero bars this week hopefully which should help a little, but of the three disciplines, I feel like I'm behind on cycling. Running is fairly strong (hoping it's going to top off a bit by race day) and swimming gets better everyday.
So to show you all my training schedule so you can see how much suffering I'm doing...
WEEK 1: The first week of training is designed to get your body comfortable with logging consistent time and distance in each sport.
MONDAY: off Always use Monday to let the body recover and rebuild. This is your only day off every week, so don't feel obligated to cross-train.
TUESDAY: swim 500 meters, run for 30 minutes
WEDNESDAY: ride for 1 hour, weights/strength training
THURSDAY: swim 500 meters, run for 30 minutes
FRIDAY: ride for 45 minutes, run for 20 minutes right after bike session
SATURDAY: ride for 1.5 hours, weights/strength training
SUNDAY: swim 750 meters, run for 45 minutes
* WEEK 2: The distances will increase only for weekend workouts.
Hills and speed training are added during the week.
TUESDAY: swim 500 meters, with 5x25-meter sprints; run for 30 minutes, with 3x sprint work on a short, steep hill
WEDNESDAY: ride for 1 hour, 20 minutes moderate intensity, 20 minutes hard, 20 minutes moderate; weights/strength training
THURSDAY: swim 500 meters, with 5x25-meter sprints; run for 30 minutes, including 5x1-minute hard intervals with two minutes of easy running in between
FRIDAY: ride for 45 minutes, with 3x sprints on a hard hill; run for 20 minutes easy right after bike session
SATURDAY: ride for 1 hour 45 minutes, weights/strength training/strength training
SUNDAY: swim 1,000 meters, run for 1 hour
* WEEK 3: Continue to build on previous workouts and increase speed training.
TUESDAY: swim 750 meters, with 10x25-meter sprints; run for 30 minutes, with 4x short, steep hill sprints
WEDNESDAY: ride for 1 hour, with 25 minutes of hard effort in the middle; weights/strength training
THURSDAY: swim 500 meters, with 4x50-meter sprints; run for 30 minutes, including 4x2-minute hard intervals with two minutes of easy running in between
FRIDAY: ride for 1 hour, with 3x hard hill runs; run for 20 minutes right after bike session
SATURDAY: ride for 2 hours, weights/strength training
SUNDAY: swim 1,000 meters, run for 1 hour
* WEEK 4: This is race week, so drop off on your training intensity as the big day approaches.
TUESDAY: swim 500 meters, with 5x25-meter sprints; run for 30 minutes, with 5 minutes of fast-paced running in the middle
WEDNESDAY: ride for 1 hour, with 10 minutes of fast-paced riding in the middle
THURSDAY: swim 500 meters easy, ride for 30 minutes easy, run for 15 minutes easy
FRIDAY: off Always take off the training day two days before the race
SATURDAY: run for 10 minutes, ride for 20 minutes, swim 300 meters Easy, short training sessions in each sport to loosen up for the next day's race
SUNDAY: Race day
This weekend I have a brutal 1 hr and 45 minutes bike and a 1000m swim/ 1 hr run on the other day... BUSY weekend.
Since starting, I've dropped 10 pounds. I've completely changed my diet. Protein is now only about 15-20% of my diet with about 60% carbs and the rest fat. Big change from what I'm used to. Swimming is doing wonderful things for my shoulders, abs and chest, btw.
So, I hope if anything, my workouts provide you some motivation to get out and get active. Not everyone is going to do a triathlon, but find something to shoot for.